“Behold, children are a heritage from the LORD, the fruit of the womb a reward.”
What is Abortion?
Abortion is murder, intentionally taking the life of another human being, a preborn child inside of the womb. Society today will tell you that abortion is a woman's right and that it is healthcare but that couldn’t be further from the truth. Abortion is a heinous act that slaughters the most vulnerable among us. One should never have the right to poison their child to death nor should they have the right to brutally have their child dismembered.
Medical Abortion
Medical abortions are also known as “the pill abortion” and it’s the most used method to murder a preborn child. Most abortion clinics will use a two step method in which they will use mifepristone and misoprostol.
The pill mifepristone is used first and it blocks the receptors for progesterone in the uterus. Progesterone is needed during the pregnancy to help keep the child attached to the uterus and to give much needed nutrients to the unborn child. Often the child suffocates because they have detached from the uterus due to the lack of progesterone.
Misoprostol is the second pill that the mother will take, usually 24-48 hours after taking mifepristone. This pill causes the mother’s uterus to contract, putting them into labor in order to force the child outside of the womb. There is a common misconception that these pills don’t work past 11 or 12 weeks but that is not the case. Many of the cases that have hit main stream news have been mothers that ordered the pills online and took them well into their second and third trimesters. The further along the mother is, odds are, the child will be forced outside of her womb alive- often left to die.
Another common misconception? You have to take both pills in order for the abortion to work- this is not true. There are clinics and online sites that do misoprostol only for their pill abortions. Remember, it’s the misoprostol that puts the mother into labor and forces the unborn child outside of the womb.
Surgical Abortion
Surgical abortions, also known as suction aspiration abortions, can be performed up until birth in some states. Depending on how far along the mother is will determine which surgical method performed and how many days it might take.
Mothers who are early in their pregnancy will have a tube put into her womb and the hired assassin will turn on a machine that sucks the little child out from inside of her- piece by piece. Often moms are at the clinic for about half a day and sent home after being monitored.
Mothers who are further along need “prepping” before hand, and will have laminaria inserted and possibly a fetal demise shot for the child inside of her womb- although not all abortion clinics require the fetal demise shot. The laminaria will dilate the cervix for 24-48 hours so the hired assassin can pull out the larger pieces of the child outside of the womb. Depending on how far along the mother is and the protocol of the abortion clinic, all of this could be done while the child is still alive.
Termination for Medical Reasons (TFMR)
Terminations for medical reasons can be done throughout the pregnancy and the ease of which a mother can get this done will mostly be determined by her state or if she has the funds to travel to a “safe” state. Some of the various reasons for TFMR could be because the child has down syndrome, a heart condition, abnormalities and other genetic disorders. Mothers have been known to TFMR because of extreme morning sickness (hyperemesis gravidarum), high blood pressure, depression and suicidal thoughts. Again, the ease at which a mother can TFMR is dependent on the state she lives in and if she has the funds to travel to a “safe” state.
TFMR can be done either by medical abortion (if the mother isn’t that far along) or by surgical abortion but most opt for the labor and induction methods. The labor and induction methods allow for the mother to go into a hospital setting and to be induced in order to give birth to her dead or will be dead child. Most hospitals, once you are past the “point of viability”, will require that the mother come in prior to being induced so the unborn child can be given a fetal demise shot.
The fetal demise shot once administered to the unborn baby will cause the child to go into cardiac arrest- often killing them before they are born. Once it is determined that the child has passed away in the womb, the mother can be induced. The mother will be allowed to hold her baby, get the hand and foot prints and in some states a death certificate.
But what about the unborn children who aren’t at the “point of viability”? Well, they don’t have to have the fetal demise shot - unless the killer advises otherwise and are often born alive. Some of these babies will live for minutes outside of the womb and some for hours - these children are denied any life saving medical treatment because the intent is for them to die.
Post Dobbs
Since the Dobb’s decision, many states have “banned” abortion but in all 50 states it is legal for a mother to murder her preborn child. While many “ban” states may not have an open abortion clinic, that doesn’t mean abortions aren’t happening. Mothers are now either traveling to “safe” states or they are ordering the pills online themselves and having them delivered straight to their door.
Thinking About Getting an Abortion?
We urge you to think about what you are contemplating. God has blessed you with this child! A child fearfully and wonderfully made in His image just like you! All throughout the bible we can see where children are a gift- they are not a burden and they are not a curse. You are a mother to this child already, from the moment of fertilization! As a mother, we protect our children, we love and nurture our children- we don’t kill them.
No matter what excuse society can give or come up with - it is never alright to murder another human being and mama, God actually commands us not murder to in the ten commandments! God also tells us that He hates the hands that shed innocent blood, mama don’t have innocent blood on your hands!
Mama, while this child may have been a surprise to you, it was not a surprise to God! God is the author of life, He is our Creator and He knit that little one in your womb! He made you a mother and entrusted this child to you for a reason and a purpose.
I don’t know what you are going through right now but know that we are here to help you with whatever you may need! We are willing to come along side you for as long as you will allow us and we will help you to be the best mom that you can be!
Please, if you are thinking about abortion - reach out to us using the form below. We would like nothing more than to have a conversation with you and to help you! Mama, we also must urge you to turn away from this sin and to look to Christ for He is your only hope!