Exposing the Hidden Darkness: IVF as a Form of Child Sacrifice
On January 22, 1973, the infamous Roe v. Wade decision legalized abortion in the United States, and since then, an estimated 66 million preborn children have been brutally murdered. Many celebrated the overturning of Roe on June 24, 2022, as a monumental victory for life and a step toward the abolition of abortion. Yet, the reality is sobering: abortion numbers have risen post-Roe, with chemical abortion ("kill pills") now making up the majority of procedures.
What may come as a shock to many Christians is that abortion is not the only form of child sacrifice in our society. There exists another method, widely accepted and even condoned in many churches, that often goes unchallenged from the pulpit.
This method is in vitro fertilization (IVF), also known as "test-tube" conception.
The Tragic Truth About IVF:
Let’s be clear: we deeply sympathize with couples struggling with infertility. The longing to have children and fulfill the biblical mandate to “be fruitful and multiply” is a good and God-honoring desire. However, this sympathy must not prevent us from speaking the truth about the evils inherent in the IVF industry, an industry filled with moral compromise and destruction.
IVF involves extracting sperm from a male and eggs from a female, fertilizing them in a laboratory, and implanting the embryos into the woman’s womb. While this process might appear to offer hope to infertile couples, it raises ethical and theological concerns.
Inviting a Third Party into the Marriage Covenant
By turning to a laboratory to create life, couples introduce a third party into the sacred bond of marriage. Scripture teaches that it is God alone who opens and closes the womb (1 Samuel 1:5-6). Attempting to bypass His authority in matters of life and death is a serious issue.Destroying Human Life
For those who believe life begins at conception, the IVF process should raise red flags. Women undergoing IVF are injected with hormones to harvest as many eggs as possible. These eggs are fertilized in the lab—sometimes dozens at a time. Only a fraction of these fertilized embryos (human beings) will survive the process.
In one IVF support group, a woman shared that 56 eggs were harvested during her procedure. Of those, 38 were fertilized. These 38 tiny human beings faced a grim fate: many would not survive to implantation, and others would be discarded as “low quality” during the grading process. The embryos deemed genetically flawed or of an undesired gender are also routinely destroyed.
What Happens to Leftover Embryos?
Couples often create more embryos than they need to increase their chances of a successful pregnancy. The unused embryos—frozen indefinitely—face a range of fates:Destruction or Donation to Science: Many are discarded or used for scientific research.
"Snowflake Adoptions": A small number are adopted by other couples.
Compassionate Transfers: Some are transferred during a time when implantation is impossible, essentially ensuring their death.
Morbid Souvenirs: Incredibly, some clinics allow parents to take embryos home in straws, where they can be preserved as jewelry or displayed in picture frames.
Challenging God’s Design for Life and Family:
The IVF industry also facilitates practices that further distort God’s design for the family. Single women and LGBTQ couples can utilize sperm banks or surrogacy to create children outside the biblical framework of a mother and father united in marriage. Such practices undermine God’s intent for family and perpetuate a culture that prioritizes personal desires over divine order.
Breaking the Silence:
As Christians, we are called to expose the works of darkness (Ephesians 5:11). Ignoring or remaining apathetic about the evils of IVF is not an option.
Educate Yourself and Others: Gain a clear understanding of IVF and its practices. Share this information with fellow believers to encourage informed conversations.
Speak Boldly but Compassionately: Many Christians may not fully understand the realities of IVF. Approach these conversations with boldness, compassion, and clarity, while being sensitive to the pain and struggles of infertility.
Challenge the Culture of Death: Recognize that the abolition of abortion and the call for equal protection for all human beings extends beyond abortion. The culture of child sacrifice influences many areas, including IVF.
A Call to Action:
The reality of IVF may be hard to face, but silence is not an option. We must stand firm on God's truth, even when it’s uncomfortable or unpopular. Let us boldly expose the darkness and urge our brothers and sisters to a deeper understanding of God’s design for life and family.
This is not just about ending abortion; it’s about reclaiming a culture that values every human life, from fertilization onward, as a precious image-bearer of God.