IVF: A War on Life and God's Sovereignty
Let’s get straight to the point: in vitro fertilization (IVF) treats human life like a science experiment, and it needs to stop. IVF isn’t a harmless “medical breakthrough” or a “solution” for infertility—it’s a direct assault on God’s design for life and a blatant disregard for the sacredness of human beings made in His image.
What most people won’t talk about is the harsh reality of IVF. Human lives are created in a lab, outside the womb. Multiple embryos are formed, but only the “best” ones are chosen for implantation. The rest? They’re discarded, frozen like leftovers, or used for experiments. Let that sink in—tiny human lives are judged “unfit” and either tossed aside, treated as tools for research, or left indefinitely in storage because they weren’t deemed good enough.
Each of these embryos is a human being, created in the image of God from the moment of fertilization. That society not only permits this but celebrates it as progress is horrifying. Let’s call it what it is: the destruction of innocent life.
God is the author of life. He alone opens and closes the womb (Psalm 139:13-16; 1 Samuel 1:5). IVF takes this sacred process out of His hands and places it into the control of doctors and scientists. It separates conception from the intimate, God-ordained union of husband and wife, turning it into a cold and mechanical procedure.
Life isn’t something we have the right to manufacture on our terms. When we interfere with God’s design, we’re not just bending a rule—we’re rebelling against the Creator Himself. IVF is humanity’s way of saying, “We know better than God,” and it’s nothing short of playing God with human lives.
The IVF industry hides behind the guise of “helping families,” but the reality is far darker. It’s an industry built on the destruction of countless innocent lives. Embryos that don’t “make the cut” are discarded like garbage. Millions are frozen indefinitely, abandoned in limbo without a future. Others are handed over for experiments—poked, prodded, and ultimately destroyed.
We live in a culture that already disregards the value of life, yet we act shocked when it’s devalued even further. IVF takes this disregard to a new extreme, treating life as something to be created, controlled, and discarded at will. How can we claim to value life when tiny human beings are reduced to products of convenience, treated as disposable in the name of “science” or “hope”? IVF isn’t just misguided—it’s cruel and barbaric, stripping life of its dignity and worth.
Infertility is undeniably painful and heartbreaking—no one disputes that. But pain and longing can never justify sin. The desire for a child is good and natural, but it becomes dangerous when it leads to compromising God’s commands and treating human life as a means to an end.
Choosing IVF says that the goal of having a child outweighs the value of the lives sacrificed to achieve it. That’s not love—it’s selfishness. God’s Word never gives us permission to pursue our desires at the expense of what is right.
This goes beyond individual choices—it’s about taking a stand against practices that distort God’s design for life. IVF reflects a culture that seeks control instead of surrendering to God’s wisdom and authority. It’s time to reject this mindset and call people back to trusting God as the Creator, honoring life as a sacred gift that should never be manipulated or discarded.
Instead of supporting a culture that commodifies and controls life, we must point people back to God’s sovereignty. He is the Giver of life, and He alone knows what is best. Trust Him, even in seasons of pain and longing, and stop trying to take matters into your own hands.
IVF isn’t just “another option” or a “gray area.” It’s an assault on God’s design and the value of human life. It’s time to stop justifying it, stop celebrating it, and start standing for what is truly right.